
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

KeNHA Expression of Interest for Provision of Consultancy Services for Development of Strategy for Research and Development

Expression of Interest

Tender No.KeNHA/415/2011

KeNHA Expression of Interest for Provision of Consultancy Services for Development of Strategy for Research and Development

The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) is a State Corporation established under the Kenya Roads Act, 2007, with the responsibility for the management, development, rehabilitation and maintenance of national roads.

The Authority intends to procure consultancy services for Development of short and long-term Strategy for Research and Development in order to
  • Provide an effective mechanism for maintaining up-to-date standards and specifications;
  • Enable procedures to be developed for the efficient and cost-effective management of valuable national road assets;
  • Ensure that local and state-of-art materials and methods are identified and used;
  • Facilitate the professional development of KeNHA staff and helping them to stay abreast of current advances in science and technology and
  • Promote practical measures for cost reduction and/or quality in construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of trunk roads.
Purpose of the Assignment
  1. To develop a strategy that will constitute an appropriate framework for the coordination, procurement, facilitation and management of quality research and development.
  2. To provide the framework for the short and long term research to enable exploitation of technological developments in good time for effective management of roads taking into account the road infrastructure service life.
  3. To provide a basis for determining the approaches to research including identifying research areas and indicating when and how the research should be undertaken.
  4. To shed light on the strategic choice between building “in-house” capacity and outsourcing for external knowledge.
Scope of Works:

The consultant shall be required to perform the following duties:

Formulate a realistic and implementable Research and Development Strategy containing prioritized and time bound activities for the short and long term that should include but not limited to the following:

a) Proposals on how the research and development function of KeNHA should be coordinated, facilitated and managed to ensure timely delivery of quality and value adding results;

b) Recommendations on whether KeNHA should build in-house capacity or outsource this function and why;

c) Proposals on how the research and development function of KeNHA should be approached in terms of the level and topics to be covered. Focal areas of research should, inter alia, include:
  • Materials: Utilisation of locally available materials for construction and maintenance; development of new construction materials; moreefficient use of existing materials; conservation of scarce or natural materials; use of recycled materials, durability, repair and maintenance, labour intensive, low cost materials e.t.c.
  • Standards and specifications: Maintain up-to-date standards; develop new standards and specifications based on new developments; encourage innovation
  • Environment/Sustainable construction: Consideration of environmental issues; effects of climate change; ways of reducing energy consumption; conservation of natural resources; alternative energy sources; “green” solutions; consideration of energy consumption in the wider sense such as junction layout, etc; improved durability of roads and bridges; development of better monitoring and inspections methods and procedures as part of a sustainable asset management system
  • Road Safety, Economics and Traffic Engineering: Study of accidents; development of road safety measure; safety audits; psychology of road users; transportation economics; improved traffic modeling and planning; Contribution of road infrastructure to casualties and fatalities; improved safety of road users; improved skid resistance; interaction between road, vehicle and driver; understanding driver behaviour; improved structural safety; development of passive safety; risks associated with traffic induced noise and air pollution; accident management
  • Value for money: Improved global competitiveness; contract management as well as procurement for sustainable development; risk identification and allocation; more effective asset management procedures; making better use of existing infrastructure; targeted maintenance regimes.
  • Transportation and land use: Traffic growth predictions; road reserve procurement/protection and effects/impacts; influencing driver behaviour; development of traffic models; intelligent transport systems; integrated transport systems; inter-modal studies
  • Tools, Equipment and Machinery: Development of appropriate tools, machinery, equipment and instruments for adopting technologies related to highway engineering and relevant to the country to achieve indigenous self-sufficiency.
  • Heritage: Consider impact of roads on society; methods for archaeological investigations; other social issues.
  • Road Assets Management: Development of appropriate tools to be used in management of road assets and optimization in maintenance strategies.
d) Proposals on the research and development process as well as the roles and responsibilities of the various key actors/stakeholders within KeNHA;

e) Proposals on how KeNHA can network and establish effective linkages with centres of excellence and expertise to enhance internal capacity to undertake research, including policy formulation and analysis;

f) Proposals on how KeNHA can act as a bridge between researchers, policy analysts and policy makers to ensure that the work of the former is put to good use by the latter (including mechanisms for the dissemination of information once research and analysis is concluded i.e. where do we take the information to, who uses it and at what level);

g) Proposals on appropriate institutional mechanisms within KeNHA for effectively carrying out this function (e.g. Working Groups, Task Forces etc.);

h) Clear recommendations on how the research and development function should interface or feed into other processes of KeNHA e.g. management, strategic planning, institutional transformation, training in areas of strategic nature.

  • Background document, Research and Development Strategy and plan of action.

The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) now invites eligible firms/consultants to express their interest in providing the service. Interested firms/ consultants/institutions must provide the following:-

1) Certificate of Incorporation/Registration.

2) Tax Compliance Certificate

3) A concept paper (minimum 4 pages and maximum of ten pages) on research and development functions, summarizing their understanding of the TOR, the methods they will use, highlighting best practices, challenges, opportunities and areas of focus for Strategy Policy; a draft plan and schedule for the realization of the study.

4) Profile of the firm indicating experience in similar assignments.

5) CVs of the key professionals/experts indicating education background and experience in successful execution of similar assignments.

6) Evidence of resources capability.

7) Postal and physical addresses.

Selection of consultants will be in accordance with the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005. Request for proposals will be issued to shortlisted firms.

Expressions of interest in sealed envelopes clearly marked “Expression of interest for consultancy services for the Development of the Strategic Policy for Research and Development” must be delivered to the Tender Box at the Kenya National Highways Authority Offices, Mezzanine Floor, Blue Shield Towers, Hospital Road, Upper Hill so as to be received by Wednesday 18th January, 2012 at 12.00 noon or be addressed to:

The Secretary/Tender Committee
Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA)
Blue Shield Towers, Hospital Road, Upper Hill
P.O. Box 49712-00100, Nairobi., Tel 020-8013842, 020-8009887

Opening of the bids will take place immediately thereafter at the Board Room, 3rd Floor, Blue Shield Towers, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, in the presence of Consultants/Representatives who wish to attend.