
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Save the Children Application to European Commission Call for Proposal Consultancy Services

Save the Children Application to European Commission Call for Proposal

Terms of Reference for Consultancy Services

1.0 Background

Somalia comprises a variable context characterised by relatively strong economic growth and opportunities for collaboration in Somaliland and Puntland and very fragile and uncertain conditions in South Central Somalia, where governance is weak and effective collaboration has been difficult due to lack of access, insecurity and lack of effective territorial control by the Transitional Federal Government (TFG).

Despite notable improvements in recent years, educational provision, participation and completion in Somalia are among the lowest in the world. It is reported that, across Somalia, the estimated Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) for primary education stands at 38% (and only 25% for girls). 

The GER is significantly higher in Somaliland, where it stands at almost 60%1, and slightly lower in Puntland courtesy of improved governance, security and access conditions. Further increase in primary school enrolment is expected in Somaliland, who's newly and democratically elected government introduced Free Primary Education (FPE) in January 2011. 

The GER for secondary education is estimated at about 3 to 5% for the whole of Somalia, with Somaliland exhibiting an impressive annual growth of 23%, followed closely by Puntland at 17%. These geographical differences reflect years of heavy investments in primary education in the more accessible Somaliland and Puntland (by both government, donors and the private sector). 

Such growth now calls for investments to expand secondary and tertiary education opportunities to cope with increased demand and to respond to human resource constraints which visibly inhibit economic development and limit effective and efficient donor engagement in this sector and others. 

South of the Somali border, in Kenya’s Northern Eastern province, Dadaab refugee camp is home to 444,320 Somali refugees, of which 179,578 are children below the age of 18 and 83,632 are youth between 15 and 24 years of age (UNHCR, 2011). The camp was established 20 years ago.

In June 2011, the camp counted 19 primary and 6 secondary schools supported by UNHCR, and 4 Youth Education Pack Centres offering literacy, life skills and vocational skills training to youth. In addition, a number of private schools operate at both primary and secondary levels. There are also various non-formal educational programmes for children, youth and adults. 

However, capacity currently far exceeds demand, in particular for tertiary level studies very limited opportunities exist for scholarships within Kenya or abroad. In July-August 2011, a severe drought in Southern Somalia dramatically increased the number of new arrivals adding another challenge to the already constrained setting in education. Drop-out rates are high, especially amongst girls, and the transition rate from primary to secondary is overall low. 

New areas of land for relocation of one camp and for opening of another camp have been agreed upon with the Kenyan authorities, which created opportunities for new premises for education. Nevertheless, considerable investment is needed to meet the needs of the refugees. 

For instance, in 2010, only an estimated 50,875 youth were in school. The Joint Strategy for Education in Dadaab (2012- 2015) developed jointly by UNHCR and UNICEF is expected to instil technical coherence in Dadaab refugee education programming. 

The recently approved strategy document has a log-frame, which articulates Dadaab education sub-sector goals and outputs. However, the action plan and related costing have not been completed.
In response to a call for proposal from European Commission: Reference: EuropeAid/132-542/L/ACT/, Save the Children is proposing a continuum of interventions with the overall objective to ensure the right to education is realized for children and young adults in the Dadaab refugee camps and the host community . 

Save the Children will partner with LWF, AVSI, WTK, and NRC which are organizations working locally but with an international appeal that have substantial working experience in the project area, implementing community-based interventions in education. 

These organizations will ensure local ownership, transfer of skills and build capacity to implement this action.
Specific Terms of the Consultancy
Save the Children seeks the services of a consultant to take lead in writing the full application to the EC call for proposal. The specific terms of reference for the consultancy are outlined below:
a. Scope of the Consultancy

Under the guidance and supervision of the Programme Quality and Design Director and the Education Advisor, and based on the preliminary background work done already during the development of the concept note towards this response, the consultant will:
  • Consult with the proposed project partners and clearly formulate teaming strategies for the proposed project.
  • Consult widely with the consortium members, MoE and other key stakeholders to obtain relevant information and secure their support for the proposed interventions.
  • Prepare and present draft and final documents for the application in line with the agreed upon timeline. Specific documents are listed as deliverables below.
b. Deliverables of the Consultancy
The following are the specific deliverables for this consultancy:
  • Refined project logical framework in the prescribed donor format, detailing the proposed project. The log frame should be discussed and endorsed by the Save the Children and the consortium team before proceeding with the proposal narrative.
  • Proposal narrative in the prescribed donor format. A draft will be required for internal comments before production of the final version.
  • Fully filled in Checklist form
c. Support to be provided by Save the Children
Save the Children will provide the following support to this consultancy:
  • Provide the consultant with relevant internal documents.
  • Provide budgetary information regarding co-financing elements
  • Take responsibility over PADOR registration for Save the Children and the consortium partners.
  • Provide logistical and administrative support to the consultant while undertaking the assignment.
  • Provide written and verbal comments/critique at various drafting stages and upon satisfaction approve the final version of all deliverables.
  • Ensure quality control and quality assurance of the process and the final outputs of the consultancy
  • Fill in the Declaration by the Applicant (section VI of the grant application form)
  • Pay for the consultancy as outlined in the consultancy contract and upon full completion of the exercise and submission of acceptable deliverables.
d. Duration and Timeline
The maximum number of days allowable for the assignment shall not exceed fifteen (15) days, and (in any case) the consultancy must be finalized on or before the 27th July, 2012.  

The proposed timeline is as follows:
Brainstorming meeting with Save the Children team and Consortium members
At Save the Children offices
Draft Narrative and Logical framework for review by Save the Children team, and the consortium membership
Save the Children will determine the reviewers and circulate the drafts to them
Comments received from all reviewers

SCUK and Consultant
Second draft of logical framework and proposal narrative subjected to panel critique.

Consultant to present to Education Advisor, PQM and PQDD of SC and partners and receive verbal comments
Final documents received by Save the Children
PQ team

2.0 Requirements for the consultancy
  • A minimum qualification of Masters in Education or Public Policy /Education Programming in Emergencies and extensive understanding of the provision of education to refugee communities and the Education sector in Somalia and Kenya.
  • Thorough knowledge and understanding of access, quality and capacity needs situation in the programming priorities and issues in refugee education and Somalia in perticular.
  • Strong skills and experience in proposal writing. Previous experience with EC grant application in education is a MUST.
  • Demonstrable leadership and communication skills to provide support in gathering feedback and proposal development for  consortium
3.0 Expression of interest

Consultants who meet the above requirements should submit their expression of interest detailing the following:
  • A capability statement (not exceeding one page)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Detailed fee note including all taxes applicable.
  • Samples of proposal written to EC and authorization for verification from references provided
4.0 Disclaimer

Save the Children requires that the consultant observe the following conditions:
  • Proper referencing of all documents consulted during the proposal writing.
  • Circulation of Save the Children internal documents MUST receive prior permission from the Programme Quality Director.
  • All the deliverables from this consultancy remain the sole property of Save the Children. As part of the consultancy contract, the consultant will be expected to sign a privacy commitment for all confidential documents.
 Email to: not later than 11th July, 2012